Caroline E. Stras Research Room
The NMSU Library Archives and Special Collections is open to all researchers Monday through Friday, 9:00 am - 4:00 pm during the Fall and Spring semesters. We are open by appointment only during the Fall, Spring, and Summer breaks. Please request an appointment through the Request for Research Materials form or by emailing Please allow 24-hour notice for appointments. The Caroline E. Stras Research Room is located in Branson Library, 4th floor. We are happy to provide virtual reference services for those who cannot visit our facility in person.
The research room is available to NMSU faculty, staff, and students, along with researchers from our community and beyond. Through a generous endowment by Edward, Jo Ann, and Judith Sears, the room was named in honor of Caroline E. Stras, the first woman vice president of a bank in El Paso in the late 1950s. She broke down gender barriers in the local banking industry. Along with having the research room named in her honor, income from the endowment will be used to support the acquisition and preservation of collections in women's studies at the NMSU Library.