Visiting School Groups

Policy No: 031
Approval Date: 3/14/07, Revised 3-11-09
Historical Notes:

In keeping with the University's land grant mission, the New Mexico State University Library welcomes scheduled visits from area schools when our resources and services can benefit student learning.


The following procedures are designed to promote successful visits:

Scheduling Visits

The NMSU Library's online School Visit Request Form should be used to request visits.  Please allow sufficient time (one month is advised) for planning and arrangements.

The library will work to accommodate requested dates, but must also minimize conflicts with final exams or other times during the NMSU academic year when library resources (equipment, space, personnel) may be in short supply.  When planning a visit, please have alternate dates and times in mind in case of scheduling conflicts.

When planning visits, groups should be aware that the NMSU Library's resources have been developed and are designed for an adult, academic audience.  Library computers are not equipped with filters.


Any age group of students may tour the NMSU Libraries.  The library will provide self-guided tour materials to the school's designated tour guide(s) in advance of the visit.  In some cases, tours may be given by NMSU Library staff.

One adult should be present for every 10 students, and there should be no more than 25 students per tour group so everyone can see and hear.

Research Sessions

The NMSU Library is pleased to collaborate with school teachers and library media specialists in providing research sessions to students when our collections and resources will benefit their projects. This is most typically the case with research projects at the high school level. NMSU Library staff will work with teachers and library media specialists to discuss learning goals, library resources, and other logistics.

To benefit from these sessions, students should have some prior library experience and should arrive with a clear understanding of the research assignment that the session is designed to support.  It is recommended that students research their topics using the library's online catalog before their visit.  NMSU Library staff may suggest other online resources that student groups can use for background research prior to their visit.

The library's instruction classrooms are designed to accommodate group sizes of ca. 20-30.  There should be at least one adult present in instruction rooms at all times the room is in use, and a ratio of one adult for every 10 students is recommended.  For additional information, see Library Policy 009: Use of NMSU Library Classrooms.

Borrowing Privileges

Arrangements for students to check out materials will be made on a case-by-case basis per visit.  Once visit dates are set, and prior to the visit, the Circulation Coordinator will determine and communicate the appropriate checkout procedures.

Other Tips and Guidelines

There is a charge for photocopying and printing, so be sure to bring ample change or money to purchase a library copy/printing card, if students will be using these services.  Free printing is available only in the library's classrooms.

Library visitors are responsible for their belongings.  It is not advisable to leave backpacks, purses, laptops, or other items unattended.

School group leaders, not library staff, are responsible for supervising visiting students.  Please plan to have a sufficient number of staff and chaperones to supervise/assist your group.  Students who are disruptive may be asked to leave the building.


The library's online School Visit Request Form should be used to request visits.

Helpful Campus Information

Information for Campus Visitors (includes directions, parking, campus visits/tours)